Kontra Production Agency

Kontra Production Agency
ENGLISHChoose Language
Dan Bárta & Illustratosphere Alice Vltava minus123minut Tomáš Kočko & Orchestr Barbora Mochowa První Hoře Milan Urza Kaspar Melichar Poly Noir Insania IONS



Katarzia, a Slovak artist based in Prague, Czech Republic, began her career 10 years ago as a singer-songwriter with solo shows that featured storytelling accompanied by guitar, played by herself. Her success has flourished due to her niche and sensitive lyrics, which consistently explore human relationships and critique social aspects of local mentality and politics. While developing her songwriting skills, she also earned a master's degree in film screenwriting, which has influenced her ability to craft short stories through music, engaging the listener's visual imagination. Over the past decade, Katarzia has expanded her musical scope by incorporating Ableton productions, composing for the National Theatre, TV series, and an award-winning documentary. With her alter-ego as a dancer and a DJ-producer supporting her, Katarzia has become a recognized artist in both the Czech and Slovak Republics. As an alumna of the 2018 Red Bull Music Academy Berlin, she performed at Sonar Festival Barcelona 2019 and Ment Festival Ljubljana that summer. Additionally, Katarzia has spoken out publicly about women's rights and participated in local human rights activities, supporting politicians and activists fighting for justice. Her latest and sixth album, "Šťastné dieťa," released in September 2023 by a Prague-based label Animal Music, marks a return to acoustic instrumentation, following three electronic music albums and visually enhanced live shows featuring her alter-ego dancers. Her lyrics continue to offer poignant analyses of emotions and hope. In 2018, she earned a prize for best theater music for Antigone, premiered in the Slovak National Theater in 2018, where she also performed live, together with her friend producer Pjoni. She received a nomination for the same prize at theater awards last year, for a play "Koncert na želanie" (Song for a Request), premiered in the same theater in February 2023. She earned a Radio_Head_Award for best song in 2017, an award organized by Slovak Radio_FM, and also received a nomination for the best album this year. She composed film music and the title song for a feature-documentary "Is There Any Place for Me, Please?," which earned the Audience Prize at the festivals Jeden svět and Jihlava Documentary Film Festival.


Official website of the musician: